Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of Cykleek.com's Website, located at Cykleek.com.

By accessing this website we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use Cykleek.com if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.


Cykleek enables the connection between parties interested in selling, buying, exchanging, donating or paying for the partial or final disposal or treatment of waste, including any refuse material that can still be refurbished, transformed, recovered (e.g. for composting, energy generation, raw materials), reused or recycled in any way without affecting the environment or breaching the concerned sector regulations. Only as a App to facilitate better ways of managing waste, Cykleek has no liability of the consequences of mishandling, wrong disposing, misuse or any other negative effect by errors or omissions causing adverse results against the persons involved (injuries, losses), third parties, the environment or the respective waste management legislation on the jurisdiction where the transactions take place, including eventual cross-border transport of the materials in question. The types and quantities of the materials transacted should correspond to the classifications, units and quantities indicated on the lists in our App and Cykleek is likewise not responsible for dangers of misleading descriptions, mislabelling substances or materials that can be considered or become hazardous. For second hand materials to be sold or donated, it is recommended to use our site to describe the objects, including pictures, stating their condition before engaging in any transaction and, again, Cykleek naturally is not responsible either for the quality or the specific characteristics (e.g. brand, condition, model) of the objects offered in our App.


All materials considered waste (used, discarded, degraded) may pose risks for the environment, persons directly involved on its manipulation or indirectly when dispersed, spilled or dumped on the air, water or the soil, especially if not properly disposed, treated or transformed. Parties involved in any of the options mentioned must be aware of the appropriate ways of handling the materials while processing, transforming, treating, disposing or transporting. Be aware that the ignorance of the related laws & regulations does not absolve the responsibilities of the parties involved. As it is stated here, Cykleek in good faith promotes best practices of managing waste but is not liable for eventual negative impacts yet it is highly advised that before embarking in any transaction, specially involving paying for treatment or disposal of waste, including its transport, that the procedures performed comply with the local environmental laws protecting air, water, soil, plants and animals. Similarly, some materials demand compliance with concrete specifications during transport that are exclusive responsibility of the part paying and the part providing the service.